Enrolling at Tanglewood
All students residing in the Tanglewood Elementary School attendance zone are welcome to enroll at any time. To determine if your address falls within our boundaries, please use the School Locator.
If Tanglewood is your designated school, you will need to use the following to enroll your child:
- Your Photo ID
- Child’s Original Birth Certificate
- Child’s Immunization Records
- Child’s Social Security Card (if applicable)
- Current TAD statement or lease agreement
- Current utility bill
To register your child, please click here: https://www.fwisd.org/register
Pre-K Program
Tanglewood Pre-K is a full day program (7:50 a.m. – 2:15 p.m.) with a certified teacher and a teacher’s assistant. It is a challenging academic program open children turning four years old on or before September 1. Students MUST be four years old on September 1 to enroll in Pre-K. It is a federally-funded program and there are no exceptions on the age requirement.
History of Tanglewood
In 2020, Tanglewood Elementary School will celebrate its 60th anniversary. Over the past six decades, Tanglewood has earned various recognitions for academic excellence and community involvement.
Our campus legend begins with Cass Edwards giving the land to the city of Fort Worth for $1.00 – with the understanding that the undeveloped property would be used to build a public school. From this generous beginning in 1960, community involvement and academic preparation have been the hallmarks of the school.
The support from the school’s neighbors has been instrumental in funding the many activities offered by the school. As a non-Title One school, campus coffers are far less than neighboring sister schools; however, the very supportive PTA raises thousands of dollars each year to offset any cost that campus funds are unable to provide. With their support, we are able to provide a hands-on science lab, after-school enrichment classes, additional computers and iPads in each classroom, supplemental instructional materials, playground equipment, professional development opportunities for teachers, and much, much more. Tanglewood PTA continuously provides volunteers, organization, and funding. The value our community members place on equitable and focused resource delivery is by far one of our greatest assets!
Other assets include the expertise and professionalism of the Tanglewood faculty and staff. All of our teachers are certified in Gifted and Talented Education and differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all learners. Data is used to inform our instruction, while student-needs drive success forward. The instructional staff focuses resources where they are needed, while support personnel create an environment that is welcoming and professional