
Please make sure grandparents, sitters, and friends are aware of these guidelines.

Remember, it is illegal for drivers to use cell phones in the School Zone.

School Zone Bus Lane, Crosswalks, and Parking

  • NEVER drop your children off in the teacher’s parking lot.
  • SLOW DOWN through the designated school zones around campus. The speed limit in the zones is 20 MPH.
  • Please observe the “No Parking” signs around the crosswalk. Do not park in front of those signs for the safety of the people using the crosswalk.
  • The bus lane is off limits for parking at all times. Failure to observe this could result in a parking ticket from the city.
  • After school, students may cross the street and meet an adult at the park only if the proper paperwork has been filed with the teacher.
  • Parents and students may cross only at the crosswalks. Please follow the directions of the crossing guard when one is present.
  • Do not let children ride a bike through the crosswalk. They need to walk the bike across the street and park it at the bike rack.
  • Parking in the alley behind the houses or using the driveways of the houses around campus is not allowed.
  • On Overton Park Drive East and Overton Park Drive West, please park at least 20 feet from the intersections to allow the school buses to make the turns.
  • The first space of the carpool lane on Overton Park West is reserved. It is marked off by blue and yellow paint. Please do not park in this space at any time.
  • The space in front of the handicapped area on Harlanwood is also reserved. Please do not park in this space.

Rainy Day Dismissal

PK – 5th – On rainy days, all KG-5th grade students will be dismissed from the covered area on the playground.  PK and KG will dismiss at 3:10 p.m. 1st-5th grade will dismiss at 3:20 p.m.  Teachers and students will be lined up by grade level.  PK and KG will be closest to the sports court and 5th grade will be closest to the science lab.  All parents picking up on foot will enter the playground from the gates on Harlanwood to pick up their child. 

Questions, suggestions or comments regarding safety are always welcomed. Please contact Dana McKenzie or Doug Mocek.